18 Apr, Thursday
7° C

Mama SRL



De ziua copilului, desi trebuia, nu am pregatit niciun articol. Abia acum m-am asezat sa scriu si e acea pauza de la mijlocul zilei in care am timp de asternut pe hartie cateva idei. Aveam deja niste idei puse pe hartie zilele trecute si chiar schitasem cateva dintre ele, dar am renuntat in ultimul moment. Totusi pentru ca astazi e Ziua Copilului si este chiar si ziua sfantului Iustin in lumea crestina, am decis sa ma mobilizez si sa scriu despre grija pentru copii. Ideea mi-a venit din intamplarea petrecuta astazi la locul de joaca. De cand s-au redeschis parcurile o buna perioada de timp am fecventat un parc nou descoperit, unde nu erau foarte multi copii si unde fiul meu putea sa alerge in voie pe mica lui bicicleta. Si mi-a placut foarte mult locul pana cand au venit caldurile. Asa ca atunci ne-am intors in locul nostru preferat: Parcul Moghioros. Dupa mai multe zile in care ne duceam pe pajiste si stateam sa ne jucam cu mingea sau sa alergam din diverse motive, astazi s-au redeschis locurile de joaca. Pana astazi la fiecare trecere pe langa banda pusa cu “Nu treceti” de Politia locala fiul meu arata semnul de inchis cu cheia. Cumva a asociat el aceasta inchidere cu o zona incuiata. Ei bine, zona s-a “descuiat”. Asa ca astazi fiul meu a reusit din entuziasmul proaspat redeschiselor locuri de joaca sa isi sparga buzita intr-o jucarie rotativa. Nu a fost nimic grav, dar i-a curs sange, s-a pus pe plans, i s-a umflat buza si abia a reusit sa se reporneasca pe joaca la leagane si balansoare. A fost un moment in care eram cu ochii pe el, dar el era intr-o jucarie care nu era pentru varsta lui. Totusi fata de alte dati cand sunt eu singura cu el si am momente de neatentie, de data asta copilul ne avea pe mine si pe bunici cu ochii pe el. Si cu toate astea s-a intamplat inevitabilul si a cazut intinzandu-se spre alta atractie din locul de joaca. 

Morala zilei de astazi este ca oricat ai incerca sa ii tii pe cei mici sub atentia ta de mama, inevitabilul se poate intampla chiar sub privirile tale. Si nu stiu daca exista ceva ce as fi putut face mai bine, poate doar sa nu il las sa se urce in acea jucarie. Dar cred ca stim cu totii cat plans urmeaza la orice raspuns negativ. Asa ca am decis sa ma relaxez si sa cedez in fata tentatiei. Pericolul s-a dovedit justificat. 

Tot astazi, in parc, in timp ce il dadeam pe cel mic in leagan, o fetita a venit repede sa se urce in leaganul de langa. Nu a tinut cont daca vine peste ea leaganul celui mic. Nu s-a intamplat nimic, din fericire, dar tata a fost usor panicat de intamplare si a incercat sa o atentioneze pe mama acesteia. Mamica, ca si mine, concluzionase deja ca trebuie sa ii lasi sa se si loveasca ca sa invete sa se fereasca. Si da, consider ca ii putem proteja noi foarte mult si sa le inducem fricile noastre, dar daca nu ii invatam sa infrunte cu precautie anumite obstacole, nu vor invata sa se apere singuri in societate. Tocmai de aceea am tinut sa scriu cateva randuri despre acest subiect. Grija noastra ca mame poate fi uneori superprotectoare, iar copilul sa nu mai stie sa ia o decizie singur sau sa ii inducem lui din fricile noastre. Este foarte important ca el sa invete sa vada ce pericol ii apare in cale. Trebuie sa verifice terenul, sa incerce sa urce si sa invete cat de important este sa judece singur ce e indicat sa faca. Nu poti opri generatia aceasta noua care are acces la atat de multe jucarii si optiuni de jocuri sa se urce, sa coboare, sa se arunce in gol. Trebuie doar sa stie sa supravietuiasca din “cadere”. Si cum noi nu putem fi mereu cu ei trebuie sa ii pregatim cat mai bine fizic sa faca fata oricarei provocari. Eu sunt constienta ca daca nu ar fi venit pandemia fiul meu ar fi fost deja la bazin pana acum si una din temerile majore ale oamenilor din jurul lui s-ar fi spulberat. E important sa reusim sa depasim propriile noastre frici ca sa putem insufla celor mici increderea in sine si maturitatea sa ia o decizie potrivita. 


Iar un ultim gand despre pandemie si copii, tot astazi dezbateam faptul ca se tot anunta cu surle si trambite ca se vor redeschide crese, gradinite si after schooluri de pe 15 iunie, dar nu am vazut nicio masura realista expusa pentru dezbatere si de asemenea nu am vazut nicio autoritate competenta care sa isi asume verificarea acestor conditii. Oare starea de urgenta a pironit autoritatile intr-o vacanta electorala bine-meritata dupa starea de urgenta? As vrea sa vad mai multe lucruri bune intamplandu-se la mine in oras acum ca am vazut cate se pot face intr-o perioada cu restrictii. 


For Children’s Day, although I should have, I did not prepare any article. It is just now that I have sit down and it’s that middle of the day break when I have time to put down on paper some ideas. I had already prepared some ideas and even began sketching some of them, but I gave up last minute. Still because today it’s Children’s Day and it’s even a Saint Justin Day in the Christian world, I decided to write about the care for kids. The idea came up due to the recent events at the playground. Since the parks have been reopen for a while now we have gone to the newly discovered park where there weren’t so many kids and my son had enough place to run on his small bike. And I loved so much the place until the high temperatures came over. So then we have come back to our favourite park: Moghioros Park. After many days when the routine meant we would get to the meadows and stay there to play with the ball or run around, today the playground has finally opened. Until today every passing by the place with the “Do not cross” line from the Local Police, my son would show the “key locked” sign. Somehow he associated this gesture to the locked area. Well, the area has finally “unlocked”. So today my son has managed with great enthusiasm to slightly break his lip in a small carousel and then he slowly changed focus towards the swings and the rocker elephants. It was that moment that I was actually watching him, but he was in a toy not meant for his age. Still compared to other times when I am alone with him and I have moments of not paying attention to him, this time the kid had me and his grandparents watching him. And despite that the inevitable happened and he fell stretching towards another attraction at the playground. 

The lesson of the day is that no matter how much we may try to keep the little ones under our mother care, the inevitable can happen right under our watch. And I don’t know if there is something that I could have done better, maybe to forbid him to get on that carousel. But I believe we all know how much crying can happen due to a No. So I decided to relax and give in to temptation. The danger became justified. 

Also today, in the park, while we were swinging the little one in the swing, a little girl came quickly to climb in the nearby swing. She didn’t mind crossing my son’s swinging swing. Nothing happened, luckily, but my father was slightly panicked and tried to make her mom pay more attention to her daughter. The mother, just like me, had already concluded that we need to let them hit the ground to learn to look out. And yes, I believe we can protect them very much and to give them most of our fears, but we cannot learn them to face with precaution certain obstacles, they will not learn to defend themselves in society. It is precisely because of this lesson that I wanted to write a few lines on the subject. Our main concern as mothers can be sometimes overprotective, while the baby will not know what decision to make on his own or we give them a bit of our fears. It is very important that they learn to see the danger ahead. They need to check the field, try to climb and learn how important is to judge themselves what is wise to do. You cannot stop this new generation which has access to so many toys and game options to climb, go down, jump in a hole. They must only know how to survive in the “fall”. And as we cannot be there with them we must prepare them as best as possible physically to face any challenge. I am aware that if the pandemics didn’t strike my son would have been in the pool already by now and one of the major fear of people around him would be blown off. It’s important to overcome our own fears so we can give them the self confidence and maturity to make the right decision.

And as a last thought about pandemics and kids, it was also today that I was debating the greatly announced opening of the daycare, kindergartens and after schools after 15.06, but I haven’t seen any realistic rule open for debate and also I haven’t seen any competent authority to assume the checkup of these conditions. I wonder if the state of emergency has fixed the authorities in a well deserved elections vacation? I would like to see more good things happening in my city now that I have seen what can be done during restrictive time. 

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