Efectele Coronavirusului

Coronavirus-ul a aparut foarte neasteptat la noi in tara si in tarile invecinate pe masura ce s-a amplificat foarte mult numarul de imbolnaviri intr-un timp extrem de scurt. Institutiile publice ne-au invatat sa respectam distanta, sa lucram cu ei online, firmele la care lucram ne-au invata acelasi lucru. Apoi ar trebui sa invatam sa rationalizam resursele si sa apreciem ce avem. Mai tineti minte cozile de la supermarket, cantitatile masive pe care le cumparam sau mancarea pe care o aruncati cu o asa lejeritate la gunoi? Ne vom schimba clar comportamentul dupa acest episod. Vom invata sa consumam cu atentie si sa apreciem resursele pe care le avem la indemana.

Am privit cu superficialitate posibilitatea transmiterii virusului si apoi am vazut cum se raspandeste si ajunge si la noi. Brusc activitati au fost restrictionate si am ajuns intr-un soi de arest la domiciliu, desi ni se spune ca putem lucra de acasa. Realist vorbind mie mi s-au anulat evenimente, proiecte, filme si filmari comerciale. Si oamenii au inceput sa isi regandeasca activitatile.

Personal, imi placea sa lucrez de acasa, sa pot sa fac si treaba casnica, sa il vad pe copil cum creste si cum face lucruri. Cand isi doreste ceva este extrem de inventiv si stie sa gaseasca oportunitati sa obtina ce vrea. Ambitia asta pe care o vad la el ma inspira si pe mine sa ma lupt sa fac lucruri. Dar in perioada asta am decis sa pun pe hartie toate gandurile, framantarile si ce mai gasesc de comentat pentru a nu ma lenevi cu totul cat astept proiectele amanate sa se reia.

Cam astea cred eu ca se vor reconsidera:
  • gestionarea resurselor
  • limitarea cumparaturilor
  • organizarea mai buna a timpului
  • aprecierea timpului liber, familiei si muncii
  • prioritatile noastre
  • limita de discretie

Tinerii care vin din urma stiu sa aprecieze mult mai mult planeta si resursele ei, iar parintii nostri sunt cei mai dezinteresati de cei din jur, de aceste resurse, de ce urmeaza dupa ei. Asa ca desi pare a fi o concluzie cinica, aceasta gripa fie va educa batranii, fie va secera o parte din raul pe care il avem in jur.

Effects Of The Coronavirus

Coronavirus appeared quite unexpectedly over here and in the neighboring countries as the virus increased the victim numbers in a very short period of time. The public institutions have taught us to respect the distance, to work with them online, the companies we work for taught us the same thing and it seems fine. Next thing we need to learn to rationalize the resources and to appreciate what we have. Remember the long lines in the Supermarket, the large quantities you were foolishly buying or the food you were throwing out as it expired in your fridge? We will clearly change our behaviour after this episode. We will learn to consume with better care and to appreciate the resources we have at hand.

We looked with high superficiality the possibility of this virus being transmitted and then we watched as it got spread all the way to us. Suddenly our activities were restricted and we ended up in a sort of house arrest, although we are being told we can work from home. Realistically speaking, events, projects, movie shooting and commercial shooting are all being cancelled. And people have started to rethink their activities.

Personally, I like to work from home, to be able to do some house work also, to watch my kid grow and make stuff. When he has his mind set on something he is very resourceful to find ways to make it happen. This ambition I see in him inspires me also to fight to make things. But during this time, I have decided to put in writing all the thoughts, the thinking and comments in order not to become too lazy while waiting for my postponed projects to happen.

This is what I believe will be reconsidered:
  • managing resources
  • limit shopping
  • better time management
  • higher appreciation of free time, family and work time
  • our priorities
  • the discretion limit

Young people coming over will know how to better appreciate the planet and its resources, and our parents are the most uninterested with those around them, the resources, what comes afterwards. So although it seems a cinical conclusion, this flu will whether educate old people, or it will cut down the evil we have around us.

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